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In divorce who gets Custody of Child in India | Guide by LawCrust

Child Custody in Indian Divorce: Understanding Legal Rights

Divorce in India is already tough, but when children are involved, the confusion surrounding child custody can seem overwhelming. Who gets the kids? What factors does the court consider?

This guide offers a simple explanation of child custody in Indian divorces, empowering you to make informed decisions during this challenging time.

Understanding the Child Custody Law in India:

Indian law prioritizes the best interests of the child above all else when determining custody. This means the court considers factors like the child’s age, emotional needs, relationship with each parent, and overall well-being. There are two main types of custody:

  • Physical custody: This determines where the child will live primarily. Usually, one parent gets “primary custody,” but “joint custody” can be awarded if both parents can share living arrangements effectively.
  • Legal custody: This determines who makes major decisions about the child’s upbringing, such as education and medical care. In most cases, this is awarded to the parent who has physical custody, but not always.

Age Matters:

The child’s age plays a crucial role in custody decisions. Generally:

For infants and toddlers, staying with the primary caregiver becomes a priority.
As children grow older, their preferences and desires are increasingly considered.
Teenagers often have a significant say in choosing where they want to live, but the court still prioritizes their best interests.

Other Crucial Factors:

Beyond age, the court considers:

  • Financial stability: Can both parents provide for the child’s needs?
  • Mental and emotional well-being: Which parent can offer a nurturing and supportive environment?
  • Family support: Do both parents have extended family nearby who can offer additional support?
  • Existing relationships: Does the child have strong bonds with siblings or grandparents living with one parent?

Remember, You’re Not Alone:

Navigating child custody after a divorce can be emotionally draining and legally complex. Having a skilled and empathetic lawyer by your side is crucial. A good lawyer can:

  • Explain the law and advocate for your child’s best interests in court.
  • Help gather evidence and prepare your case.
  • Negotiate with the other parent’s lawyer to reach a fair agreement.

LawCrust: Your Supportive Ally:

LawCrust Legal Consulting, a subsidiary of LawCrust Global Consulting Ltd. As a leading firm in the legal industry, we offer Premium Services, Litigation Finance, Legal Protect, Litigation Management, Startup Solutions, Funding Solutions, Hybrid Consulting Services, Mergers & Acquisitions, and more. With over 50 offices across India and more than 70 specialised lawyers, we provide top-notch support for various legal matters. Contact us at +91 8097842911 or email for expert legal help.

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