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Maintenance After Divorce | Guide by LawCrust

Maintenance After Divorce: Rights, Obligations, and Legal Insights

Divorce is a life-altering event, and its aftermath often involves financial adjustments. Maintenance, also known as alimony or spousal support, plays a crucial role in ensuring the financial well-being of the dependent spouse after divorce. In this article, we explore the intricacies of maintenance, the factors affecting its determination, and recent legal developments.

Understanding Maintenance After Divorce

Maintenance refers to the financial support provided by one spouse to the other after divorce. Let’s delve into the key aspects:

Types of Maintenance

  • Permanent Maintenance: Ongoing financial support until the recipient remarries or passes away.
  • Temporary Maintenance: Provided during the divorce proceedings.
  • Rehabilitative Maintenance: Aimed at helping the recipient become self-sufficient.

Factors Influencing Maintenance

  • Financial Status: The paying spouse’s income and assets.
  • Standard of Living: The lifestyle enjoyed during the marriage.
  • Duration of Marriage: Longer marriages may warrant higher maintenance.
  • Health and Age: The recipient’s health and age affect their ability to earn.
  • Child Custody: Custodial arrangements impact maintenance.

Recent Amendment on Acts

Recent Amendments to Section 125 CrPC

Interim Maintenance:

The courts now have the authority to grant interim maintenance during the pendency of maintenance proceedings.
This provision ensures that the dependent party receives financial support promptly while the case is ongoing.

Gender-Neutral Approach:

The amendments emphasise a gender-neutral approach in maintenance cases.
Couples can claim maintenance based on their financial needs and circumstances.

Increased Quantum of Maintenance:

The courts may now consider a higher quantum of maintenance to ensure the well-being of the dependent party.
The amount is determined based on factors such as the standard of living, income, and needs of the parties.

Gender-Neutral Approach: Courts now consider both spouses’ financial situations.
Maintenance for Working Wives: Working wives are also eligible for maintenance if they face financial hardship.

Avoiding Maintenance in Divorce

While avoiding maintenance entirely may not be possible, here are some strategies:

  • Mutual Consent Divorce: If both spouses agree, they can waive maintenance.
  • Fair Settlement: Negotiate a fair settlement that considers both parties’ needs.
  • Legal Counsel: Consult a divorce lawyer to explore legal options.
LawCrust: Your Trusted Divorce Partner

LawCrust Global Consulting Ltd., headquartered in Mumbai, Thane, and Navi Mumbai, provides expert legal services in divorce cases. Their team of experienced divorce lawyers offers:

  • Legal Expertise: Trust their guidance on maintenance and related matters.
  • Litigation Finance: Financial support during legal battles.
  • Legal Protection: Safeguard your rights during divorce proceedings.

Remember, divorce is a complex process, but with the right legal support, you can navigate it successfully. LawCrust ensures that your rights are protected and your transition is as smooth as possible1.

LawCrust Global Consulting Ltd., with its experienced divorce lawyers, provides top-notch legal services in India. Whether you’re facing maintenance concerns or need financial and legal protection, LawCrust is your trusted partner. Reach out to them for expert guidance and support.

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