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Understand difference between sole custody and joint custody in India? Guide by LawCrust

What is the difference between sole custody and joint custody in India? Guide by LawCrust

For parents navigating the complexities of separation or divorce, one of the most crucial decisions involves child custody. In India, two main options exist: sole custody and joint custody. While both aim to ensure the child’s well-being, they differ significantly in terms of decision-making and living arrangements.

Sole Custody: A Single Anchor in a Stormy Sea

Under sole custody, one parent holds the sole legal authority for critical decisions impacting the child’s life, including education, healthcare, and religion. This parent becomes the child’s primary residence, with the other parent having the right to scheduled visitation. While this arrangement offers stability and clarity, it can limit the child’s access to and involvement with the non-custodial parent.

Joint Custody: Two Pillars of Support

Joint custody, on the other hand, empowers both parents to share legal decision-making. This means they work together to determine the child’s upbringing and future. The living arrangements can further vary, ranging from equal time with each parent (shared physical custody) to extended stays with each parent (split physical custody). This approach encourages ongoing involvement from both parents and fosters a sense of shared responsibility.

Charting the Course: What Guides the Decision?

Indian courts prioritize the child’s best interests when determining custody arrangements. Factors influencing this decision include the child’s age and maturity, their relationship with each parent, each parent’s financial stability and mental health, and even the child’s expressed wishes if deemed mature enough.

Choosing the Right Path: Seeking Guidance in Turbulent Times

Navigating the complexities of child custody can be overwhelming. At LawCrust Global Consulting Ltd., we understand the challenges faced by families in such situations. Our team of experienced legal professionals, specialising in Litigation Finance / Legal Finance in India and Legal Protection for businesses and individuals, offers comprehensive guidance and support. We are committed to providing the best possible legal services in Mumbai, Thane, Pune, Bangalore and Hyderabad Region, ensuring you have the resources and representation needed to secure the best outcome for your child.

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